
Commands Help

If you want to have help messages for your handlers’ commands automatically generated, fatbotslim provides a convenience handler.

The fatbotslim.handlers.HelpHandler provides two kind of help messages, one that simply lists available commands when !help is called (assuming ! is your current trigger_char), and one that displays the command’s docstring when help [command] is called.

To use this feature, simply document your commands’ docstrings (try to keep a consistent format across all your docstrings), and add the handler to your bot.

from fatbotslim.cli import make_bot, main
from fatbotslim.handlers import CommandHandler, HelpHandler, EVT_PUBLIC

class HelloCommand(CommandHandler):
    triggers = {
        u'hello': [EVT_PUBLIC],

    def hello(self, msg):
        """hello - says hello"""
        self.irc.msg(msg.dst, u"Hello {0}!".format(msg.src.name))

    def say(self, msg):
        """say <message> - simply repeats the message"""
        self.irc.msg(msg.dst, ' '.join(msg.args[1:]))

bot = make_bot()

Given the previous code, if one called !help, the bot would answer:

Available commands: hello, say

and if one called !help say, the bot would answer:

say <message> - simply repeats the message

Colored Messages

To send colored messages, you can use the fatbotslim.irc.colors.ColorMessage class. It mimics strings behaviour, and thus allows to call string methods on it.

from fatbotslim.irc.colors import ColorMessage
message = ColorMessage('sOmE rAnDoM tExT', color='blue')
message = ColorMessage('sOmE rAnDoM tExT', color='blue', bold=True)
message = ColorMessage('sOmE rAnDoM tExT', color='blue', underline=True)
message = ColorMessage('sOmE rAnDoM tExT', color='blue', highlight=True)
upper_message = message.upper()
title_message = message.title()

Available colors are:

  • blue
  • brown
  • dark_green
  • magenta
  • purple
  • dark_grey
  • light_grey
  • yellow
  • black
  • teal
  • cyan
  • olive
  • green
  • white
  • dark_blue
  • red

If no color is specified when instanciating fatbotslim.irc.colors.ColorMessage, the value defaults to “black”.

Rights Management

FatBotSlim provides a built-in handler (fatbotslim.handlers.RightsHandler) to manage who should be allowed to run specific commands. It allows to define which users can run which commands, and on which event(s) type(s).

This special handler is automatically enabled, and is accessible through the fatbotslim.irc.bot.IRC.rights attribute. It can be permanently disabled using the fatbotslim.irc.bot.IRC.enable_rights() method, and can be re-enabled using the fatbotslim.irc.bot.IRC.disable_rights() method.

Settings permissions

Adding a new permission is done using the fatbotslim.irc.bot.IRC.rights.set_restriction() method.

For example, to restrict usage of the hello command to a user named LeetUser in public messages, the following code should be used (assuming bot is the fatbotslim.irc.bot.IRC instance:

bot.rights.set_permission('hello', 'LeetUser', [EVT_PUBLIC])

Once this is done, only LeetUser will be allowed to use the hello command, and only in public messages.

Global rights can also be set using * as the username. In the following example, LeetUser would be allowed to use the hello command in private messages only, and all the other users would be allowed to use it in public messages and notices only.

bot.rights.set_restriction('hello', 'LeetUser', [EVT_PRIVATE])
bot.rights.set_restriction('hello', '*', [EVT_PUBLIC, EVT_NOTICE])

Removing permissions

Removing a permission is done using the fatbotslim.irc.bot.IRC.rights.del_restriction() method.

The following code snippet would remove the previously set permission for LeetUser.

bot.rights.del_restriction('hello', 'LeetUser', [EVT_PRIVATE])

Only given event(s) type(s) are removed from the permission, so, if LeetUser was previously allowed to use the hello command in public messages too, it would still have the right to.